Congreso JCM 2016: International Joint conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing

Premio en el Congreso JCM 2016: International Joint conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing celebrado en Catania (Italia) en Septiembre de 2016. Componentes del grupo Egicad han participado en el Congreso como autores de las siguientes ponencias:

  • Lizcano, P.E.; Manchado, C.; Gómez-Jáuregui, V.; Otero C. (2016) «Virtual reality to assess visual impact in wind energy projects», JCM 2016. International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing, 14-16 September, Catania (Italy)
  • Gómez-Jáuregui, V.; Manchado, C.; Otero, C. Gamification in a Graphical Engineering course-Learning by playing, JCM 2016. International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing, 14-16 September, Catania (Italy)

El paper titulado Virtual reality to assess visual impact in wind energy projectsrecibió el tercer premio a mejor artículo presentado en la conferencia.